Guest Book
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Tom Richeson
Posted on the 2019-10-22 at 20:00
Wish I could be there with all of you, but, alas, prior obligations prevent it. I apologize to all those who have tried to get in touch with me, especially those that didn't get a reply. I am alive! I promise it wasn't personal. So email me when you have a chance and let's catch up. Tom :~)
Roger Sampson
Posted on the 2019-10-09 at 20:00
Hello to everyone of the awesome FCHS class of 1969.  This is  a special message to one of the best friends I have ever had in my entire life.. Charlie Hayes.  When I saw you had left a messege in the Bio section, I jumped for joy.  I hope you see this message and contact me.  My email address is  And to let you know, I do have security settings on the account but will get the email then add you to my address book.  I so look forward to connecting with you again... it's been way too long.
Jay Stribling
Posted on the 2019-09-22 at 20:00
Looking forward to the events and memories.
Nancy Cogan Hinterthuer
Posted on the 2019-08-26 at 20:00
Though I won’t be in attendance, I’m so happy so many of you will be, and grateful to all the planners and coordinators and movers and shakers for pulling it together. For me, much of the “reunion” is more about getting to know you and connecting without all my teenage anxieties in the way! Sending love and best wishes to you all from Wisconsin. Have a great time!
Rick Sharp
Posted on the 2019-07-25 at 20:00
Donnie McDaniel
Posted on the 2019-07-11 at 20:00
Please contact me any one before the reunion, please. My telephone # is 770.315-4724. .Donnie
Donnie McDaniel
Posted on the 2019-07-09 at 20:00
I am so looking forward to seeing and talking to everyone that comes! Take care, Donnie McDaniel
Patrick Tighe
Posted on the 2019-07-08 at 20:00
Testing this page and looking forward to an enjoyable weekend in October.
Steven Kessler
Posted on the 2019-07-08 at 20:00
looking forward to seeing you all again!
Laura Kennedy
Posted on the 2019-06-11 at 20:00
Although my name is not listed for some reason in the “Who’s attending”, I have already sent in my check! Thanks Rob for setting up this website and to all of you who are working on this. Regards, Laura Kennedy, Washington DC 

Cece Park Mifflin
Posted on the 2019-06-11 at 20:00
Hi...just trying to use this page and see how it works.  Hope you all are having a good day.  Cece
Ken Rosenberg
Posted on the 2019-06-11 at 20:00
i am really looking forward to the reunion. 
Wanda Madison Plaugher
Posted on the 2019-05-25 at 20:00
I would also like to thank Rob.  Great job on the website!
Rob Johnson
Posted on the 2019-05-23 at 20:00
If you have any problems with the website, please contact me as I am the webmaster.   There is still lots of work to be done on the website and I will be fixing things as quickly as possible.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing everyone in October.  Go Jaguars!
Lucinda Crumbaugh Downing
Posted on the 2019-05-23 at 20:00
This is great!  Thanks for all the work everyone has done.
Elaine Schollian
Posted on the 2019-05-23 at 20:00
Big Shout out and Thank you to Rob Johnson for getting this site going!!!  Thanks Rob!
Ken Rosenberg
Posted on the 2019-05-23 at 20:00
Can’t wait for the reunion.  It should be a blast.  
Posted on the 2019-05-23 at 20:00